OpenCities Map Help

Reprojection Workflow

For a raster to be reprojected, a geographic coordinate system (GCS) database must be loaded, and one of the two following situations must be true:

  • A raster with a defined GCS is attached to a model that does not have an equivalent GCS and Inherit GeoCS from Model is turned OFF in the Raster Manager dialog's Image list box.
  • The raster is attached to a reprojected reference.

Reprojected rasters cannot always be edited. The restrictions not only include Raster Manager editing tools but also some OpenCities Map editing tools, such as moving a raster with the arrow or the move, scale and rotate tools.

A raster can be edited if all the following conditions are true:

  • It is attached to the master, or the model it is referenced in is activated from the References dialog .
  • It is not reprojected.

The general reprojection rules are:

  • Rasters attached to a DGN in reference follow the vector elements of the DGN they are attached to.
  • The only way to make a raster move against the vector elements of the same DGN is to turn OFF Inherit GeoCS from Model in the Raster Manager dialog.
  • Rasters with Inherit GeoCS from Model set to OFF will not be displayed if GCS database is not loaded.

The following tables show the different combinations of factors that influence the reprojection.